Velho & Novo & Velho & Novo...

Velho & Novo & Velho & Novo...
Photo by Marcia Fontes

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reviewing My Practice

Reviewing my practice as language teacher using the 3 modes of communication as a framework I did notice that, I do focus on the 3 modes, Interpretative, Interpersonal and Presentational however, I need to improve a lot working simultaneously all 3-communication modes on the same unit.  

My students do Teletandem but from now on I will ask them to also write in the target language what they learned through the interaction and present for their classmates. The students can search online to  prepare their presentation. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

I think that social skills are part of our humanity and Web 2.0 can helps us to build it. (Post # 2 - Day 2)

We can accomplish as a group, things that we can’t accomplish as a person/individually. However, spend time in meetings could be impossible because of ours different schedules. The tools available on the web in now days can facilitate for us as teachers and for ours students this rich experience of think collectively.

The collaborative projects can be facilitating by the web tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Diigo, and others social media. I like Facebook to keep the community feeling alive. A also like Diigo and Google Drive, both allowed us as a community to read and write as a team. There are a lot of tools in the web 2.0. It is hard to say which tool is better it depends on the project. I do have my online connections and my network is getting stronger. I am part of some PLNs. And I feel some times frustrated because it is hard to get the older groups to use the new or the update version of the web 2.0 tools to improve our communication. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A tecnologia é só instrumento...

Hoje estava tendo uma classe online onde estávamos usando Google Hangout para nos reunirmos, a maior dificuldade em relação à reunião era achar um horário em que todos pudessemos estar presentes. Pensei: “a mesma dificuldade que temos quando estamos organizando uma reunião na qual temos que estar presentes pessoalmente”.

Na mesma reunião ouvi alguém dizer que o ensino à distancia (online) contribui para "desumanização" . Fico pensando em qual é o verdadeiro papel dos professores nesta era tecnológica.

Assim como o quadro, o giz, a sala de aula são absorvidos pelo processo de aprendizagem, espero que um dia a tecnologia, internet, ferramentas…  possam também serem absorvidos neste processo de aprendizagem.

Could technology be absorbed thought the language learning process? (Post #1 - Day 1)

Be emerged in an online environment is a challenge to a lot of people include for me. I have used Google Hangout before and I really love the tool. However my big challenge was bring every body together, which is exactly the same challenge to schedule a meeting in person.

Here is my thought after Hangout with my group today: Some teachers believe that technology can dehumanize people. “I believe that we all as human being have the tendency self -actualizing and the teacher’s role is to be a leaning process facilitator. And is part of our responsibility to not allowed technology to suppress humanity. As the classroom, the blackboard, the power point… is absorbed by the teachers’ goal. I hope that one day the computer, web 2.0… will be absorbed by our goals as a teacher.